Thursday, August 21, 2014

Weeks 29 & 30 (30!!! Almost there!)

Today we are THIRTY WEEKS PREGNANT! Holy crap! I cannot believe this pregnancy is 3/4 of the way finished, I feel like we just found out yesterday. I also feel incredibly blessed because I have really not had much to complain about. The past two weeks I have definitely been feelings heavier, but I have only gained 15lbs total since we got pregnant. Work is starting to wear me out a bit more than it had, but starting today I have a MUCH cozier work schedule. I will be working with at least one day in between all of my shifts, which will really help with sleep since I work nights. I have also cut back to 30 hours a week, which means 3 shifts instead of 4 or 5 like I had been working. I have had the first of some low back pain, which has been intermittent and definitely bearable. My feet have started to swell, but mostly only after I am on my feet for 10 hours at work, and it goes away quick when I lay down and elevate. Otherwise, my belly gets bigger EVERY week, and we are just excited to have our other baby showers, make sure we have everything we need, and start the waiting game!

Our next doctor appointment is at 32 weeks when we have our 4D ultrasound/full anatomy scan!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Baby Shower (#1)

I went home to Milwaukee for a long weekend and my mom and best friends threw me a baby shower. It was great! I already have SO MANY CLOTHES for this baby, it's unreal. My new least favorite thing in the world might be sitting in front of a ton of people opening gifts...I wouldn't care to never do it again, but I have two baby showers left to go! I got some GREAT baby essentials off of my registries...we got our high chair, lounger/rocker for the baby to sleep in beside our bed, a play yard for the baby to lay on, a diaper genie, diapers, and some toys and bath items. I feel so incredibly lucky to have such generous friends and family!

28 Weeks 3 Days, headed to my shower :)

My best friend did a fabuullooooussss job with decorations! She made those centerpieces, they were too cute. I swiped a blue one for the nursery! :)

My mom ordered this cake...then proceeded to mash it up before it made it to the church, lol. My best friend also sprinkled little redheaded babies all over it because, well, that's how she is :)

Favors I made for my guests...nail polishes in the shower colors (also my nursery colors)

Me & My little sister :) Who just happened to match my shower perfectly!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Third Trimester!

Week 27 is here! This starts the 7th month, as well as the 3rd trimester. Hard to believe we are already here! Our nursery is finished, just waiting on our shower gifts to finish filling up the drawers and closet and then we will know was we have left to buy before October. Our first shower is in my hometown next weekend, and our shower here is in a month. I put away all of the clothes we have bought/people have given us this far, and we are off to a pretty good start. We also have all the nursery furniture, a bath seat, a bouncy seat, stroller, and car seat. I still have one (small) wall to paint but it is really at the bottom of my list of priorities, lol.

Yesterday we had our 6th OB appointment for our 27 week check up. I had my glucose tolerance test, which was really not that bad. When I went back for the normal pee test and vital signs, the nurse gave me a (tiny) bottle of the sugar drink and said I had 5 minutes to drink it. It probably took one minute. It was the size of a little kid water bottle, and just tasted like that orange drink from McDonald's but a little sweeter with a funky bitter aftertaste. Then we went back out to wait for the doctor like we usually do, and after that had to wait until it had been exactly one hour since I finished my juice. Thank goodness my husband had just given me an iPad for my birthday, so I had something to look at. The wait was probably the worst part. They did a lab draw instead of a finger stick, so if anything was abnormal I won't know until next week. 

Our next appointment isn't for FIVE MORE WEEKS! I'm sure if my glucose test was bad I will get a phone call telling me to come back sooner. Our doctor had actually mentioned us coming back in 2 weeks for a check up, but quickly changed her mind when she remembered we drive an hour to get to the hospital and both work full time night shift during the week, making our appointments nearly miserable. Our doctor is great! Can't wait til our next appointment when we get our FULL anatomy ultrasound, and it is in 3D!!!