Thursday, March 20, 2014

Our 8 Week Appointment!!!

Our big day FINALLY came! Today was one of the best days of my life. We love our doctor, and everything went PERFECTLY.

We took the hour drive to the hospital, which left me even sicker than I was when we left the house (half nerves, half pregnant nausea). We got to an overwhelmingly huge waiting room and I checked in.

First off, we were the cleanest and most dressed-in-daytime-clothes people in the waiting room. Seriously. Apparently rolling out of bed and wandering around town in your pajamas is a normal thing when you're pregnant. We waited for about ten excruciating minutes...then the nurse took me back to do my history, draw blood, and check my weight and blood pressure.
  • I was surprised at all the questions they ask when you are just 8 weeks pregnant. They asked me if I planned on having an epidural! I don't friggin know! Maybe? I don't know?

That all took about 25 minutes, and they let me back out to the waiting room to sit with my husband. This time we were waiting for them to call us to Ultrasound. THIS is the part I was nervous for...not for the procedure itself, but for the sheer chance that there could be something wrong, or could be no heartbeat...or no baby. Who knows. Anything can happen.

Then, they called us back. Two cute little blonde girls welcomed us into the dark room, and I de-pantsed.

I laid down, they shoved the dildo-like vaginal ultrasound probe up there, and off we went.
Within a few seconds, I could see my baby. 

It. Was. Magical.

Something made me feel like it was a girl immediately. I also asked the tech if she was sure there was only one, since I had ANOTHER crazy twin dream this morning. She scoped around, but nope, just one perfect little Gibson :)

The baby's heart rate stayed in the 180s during the scan (another reason it may be a girl?). This made me feel so comforted, because I know a slow heart rate during ultrasound is a BAD sign. The tech snapped some pictures, let her student probe around in me for a few minutes, Jeremiah made a video of the baby and the heartbeat, and we were done! They could have left that creepy thing up in me all day, I loved being able to see that baby. I love her.

Next we went to an exam room, where AGAIN I de-pantsed to meet my doctor. She is FANTASTIC. Very young, very pretty, and very smart. She (thankfully) told me that it will be okay for me to continue my normal heartburn medication, and she also told me she would write me a prescription for some nausea medicine. While we were talking, she emailed the prescriptions right to my pharmacy. She explained how the rest of the pregnancy will go:

  • 12 Week Appointment (no ultrasound this day)
  • 16 Week Appointment (no ultrasound this day)
  • 18 Week Appointment (GENDER ultrasound this day!)
  • Appointment every two weeks from Weeks 20-32
  • Appointment Every Week from Week 32 until Birth Day

And then we left! What an awesome experience. This is the best thing I have ever done, hands down.

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