Thursday, October 16, 2014

38 Weeks...Maternity Leave Begins!

Today I am 38 weeks and I just worked my LAST shift until sometime next year!!! I don't know what I am going to do with myself...I have held a job since I was 16 years old with no breaks. This should be interesting! I will surely find some things to occupy my time...there are endless baby things to do like laundry and organization, and I am also in grad school and need to work ahead on some school work so I won't have to worry about anything being late when I am in the hospital. 

Last night before work, my husband and I actually drove to the hospital where we are going to deliver to be seen in OB triage. Three times in the 24 hours prior to going to the hospital, I felt a "gush" of fluid come out and it was totally thin and clear, and I was concerned that my amniotic fluid might be leaking. I was checked, and am still only 2cm dilated, and was put on the fetal monitor and contraction monitor. I wasn't having any contractions, and everything with baby looked fine. They did a swab to test for amniotic fluid in my cervix, and it ended up negative, so I was sent home. When I asked what the fluid might be if the test was negative, the nurse told me that I could have a small tear somewhere in my amniotic sac that only leaks when I am in a certain position, or when the baby is in a certain position. So now, we wait!

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